Americans View of Islam

Thursday, 9 March 2006

  By Davyd 'Hu

An article in the Washington Post shows that more and more Americans have negative views of Islam, and people of Arab descent. A poll conducted by the Washington Post and ABC news found that 46% of Americans view Islam as a violent religion. 33% believe that Islalm is responsable for violence against non-Muslims, and one in three Americans have heard negative comments about the religion recently.

An online poll at revealed this:

78% of 27,244 people said that they have unfavorable views of Islam. Why is this? Many people are claiming that this is because of frequent attacks aimed directly at Muslims by the media and politicians. It is true that most Americans don't trust Arab nations or companies, something clearly seen in the ongoing Dubai "negotiation". But does America have good reasons? The whole world has seen the effects of terrorism by Islamic fundementalists. The United States is at war in Afghanistan and Iraq, and are seeing much violence and destruction done by Arabs and Muslim terrorists.

The reactions of thousands of Muslims over the Danish Muhammad cartoons resulted in violence and mass potests certainly dosen't help the public view Islam in a better way.

Ironically, while more people see Islam as a religion of violence and hate, it is the fastest growing religion in the United States, and, depending on who you ask, it might even be the fastest growing religion in the world. So whether you like it or not, Americans are going to have to learn to deal with it.

View the MSNBC poll

Racist Organizations Online

Sunday, 26 February 2006

By Davyd ‘Hu
It’s hard to believe that in the year 2006, there are still racists and white supremacists. Worst still than following this sort of “philosophy” is spreading its propaganda, and that is exactly what an online movement called National Vanguard is doing.
Being slightly less than aesthetically pleasing is the least of this organizations problems. Filth and ignorant lies abound on this website. There are numerous quotes within these so called “articles” that normally would have made me laugh for the stark stupidity and ignorance, however, because they were actually serious, made me angry. People like the creators of this organization make me feel ashamed to be of European descent.
After browsing the site for merely three minutes, I found myself unable to continue, so full of crap this site was. However,  I did pick out two quotes to post here, two quotes that reveal the ignorance, and hateful evil that these people are all about.

Both he and I have been researching the Jewish connection to the sexual slavery, debauchery, and rape of White women by non-Whites and, I’m telling you, the connection is there. Jews are so dominant and influential in debasing and deceiving White women and girls on such a massive scale that, to any decent White person, no forgiveness is possible.

As a public service, National Alliance members in Silicon Valley have been warning residents of the area about the serious health risks for White people associated with interracial sex.

Click the link below to go to this racist and hateful organizations homepage.

You can be sure that Twisted Press will further look into modern racism online, and especially in the media. Check back for more information soon.

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